Matt Dodds CONASTA Scholarship

Apply For A Matt Dodds Scholarship

The Matt Dodds Scholarship is an initiative designed to promote the attendance and participation of teachers at CONASTA each year. Matt is generously sponsoring the teacher registration cost for one teacher to attend CONASTA.

Matt Dodds is a physics teacher, professional development presenter, ASTRO 3D teacher volunteer and the National Astronomy Education Coordinator for the International Astronomical Union Office of Astronomy for Education.

Are you eligible?

Applicants must comply with the following criteria to be adjudged eligible for this award:

  1. Works in a government school.
  2. Is in their first 10 years of teaching.

Applications for the Scholarship close on Friday, 02 July 2021. Please see the information sheet and the application form below.

If you have any questions about CONASTA or the Scholarship, please email or call (02)6282 9377.